
3 years

Happy anniversary to our little family!

(sorry this is so fuzzy, Peter was squeezing Bella's neck and she was struggling and I was trying to hold up the heavy camera with one hand and not drop it on my face...so it's understanably a little out of focus, but I like it anyway. We were having a Sunday Morning Snuggle)
3 years ago, I married this hunk of a man:

(I am a lucky girl.)
I love that he...
lets me put Bella in the bed
works hard at his job and is full of integrity
believes the stuff in infomercials really works
suffers when his friends suffer
calls his mom
loves The Lord
ALWAYS chews a piece of gum on the way to church
forgives super fast
talks to Bella when he thinks I can't hear him
is taking a Pilates class with me
thinks about our future
dances crazy


because its so cute...

and it's a special day...

even though Peter will probably strangle me...

I will suffer the consequences...

to show you the cutest picture ever...

1 comment:

Kat said...

I THOUGHT today was your anniversary, but I didn't want to say anything in case I was wrong.

Happy Anniversary, you two!!!! Congrats!

Kathryn (& Andrew & Iggy, of course!)